We invited you to join SBC Ministries in celebrating local Veterans from Beaver County who have selflessly given of themselves to serve this country.
Thursday, May 9th
SBC Ministries Inc., Second Baptist Church
24th St and 10th Avenue Beaver Falls, PA 15010 sbcbeaverfalls@yahoo.com // 724-843-9041
Join us on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at the SBC Center as we salute our local men and women in who have made an impact in service to their country, as well as, in service to their overall communities.
This event which is being chaired by Charles “Mickey” Jones (USAF 1986-1995), Desmond Wiley (US Army 1976-1997) and Janice Goldsboro (US Navy 1988-1992). They have assembled a committee of local veterans who will be reviewing nominations for this award.
Guest speaker for the hour of celebration will be the Honorable Nate Bible, Beaver County District Attorney.
Thursday, May 9th
SBC Center
1910 7th Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Saluting Veterans - Celebrating Service
Begins at 5:30pm
Begins at 6:00pm
The committee will be accepting nominations until March 31, 2024, from anyone within the Beaver County area wishing to have a veteran considered.
The purpose of the Saluting Veterans – Celebrating Service awards is to recognize local military Veterans who have exhibited exemplary service to the country and have made outstanding contributions to their communities or professions. Each selected hero will receive recognition and have their military effects displayed in the SBC Center.

$7,500 - Freedom Sponsor
Sponsorship includes twenty tickets (20),
Corporate Logo on front page of all
publicity and event documents (depending
on time of publication). Signage at and around
the registration area. Opportunity for
company official to speak at event.
$5,000 - Liberty Sponsor
Sponsorship includes fifteen tickets (15),
Corporate logo on the inside cover of
program booklet. Signage at and a
round registration area.
$1,000 - Honor & Service Sponsor
Sponsorship includes eight tickets (8).
Corporate ad in program booklet.
$150 - Company Ad
Company ad listed in program booklet.
$35 - Individual Ticket
Additional donations also accepted.
On behalf of our Veterans, we thank you in advance for your generous tax-deductible
donation that will help make this event a success.
Contact sbcbeaverfalls@yahoo.com or 724-843-9041 for additional info & sponsorship papers.

Branch & Rank
Write a brief description of the article to spark people's interest and persuade them to read the complete article.

Branch & Rank
Write a brief description of the article to spark people's interest and persuade them to read the complete article.

Branch & Rank
Write a brief description of the article to spark people's interest and persuade them to read the complete article.

The purpose of the Saluting Veterans – Celebrating Service awards is to recognize local military Veterans who have exhibited exemplary service to the country and have made outstanding contributions to their communities or professions. Each selected hero will receive recognition and have their military effects displayed in the SBC Center.
Nominees must have been: a member of United States Armed Forces or Coast Guard. Additionally, he/she must have received an honorable discharge from U.S. Military service, be of good character. Posthumous nominations are accepted.
Criteria For Induction, Category #1: Includes military accomplishments or significant achievements during a supported Veteran’s military career.
Criteria For Induction, Category #2: Includes exceptional non-military contributions at the community, state, and/or national level.
Required information includes the completion of a Salute to Service Nomination Form and Military Service Verification. CLICK HERE VIEW FORMS.
The Salute to Service is a public display, and the news media may be interested with appropriate pictures and stories in local, state, and national media. You authorize pictures and/or stories to be used in this manner